Meet Lina Noel - Jewelry designer
Native New York artist, Lina Noel presents a collection of wearable sculpture. Juxtaposing together the style of her European heritage with iconic images of city glamour, each hand-carved piece embodies organic forms of nature. The Lina Noel collection is known for its chic, classy, fun, quality pieces meant for everyday wear. Lina merges together new and vintage styles to create unique designs that are sure to catch the eye.
Lina has created a fun line of animal charms available first only at an.mé /ahn-may/! Pick your charm, pick your cord, be part of the design process.

Meet Shana Freeman - Textile designer
Shana is a native New Yorker who resides in Montclair. She currently focuses on printmaking and fiber art— original prints, wall hangings, and dream catchers. Shana’s process is organic, spontaneous, intuitive, and driven by her unconscious; she uses color and texture in all of her mediums. Since a young age, she has always had a love for hand made and indigenous creations. Shana believes that exchanges, energies, and even ancestral experiences are interwoven and speak through her art. Each piece tells a story.
Bring the kids and come celebrate with us! |